
T-LAB Leadership Team Makes a Strong Start to 2024!

T-LAB Management Team Got Off to a Fast Start in 2024!

T-LAB Yönetim Kadrosu, 2024’e Güçlü Bir Başlangıç Yaptı!

During the Management Review Meeting held on January 26-27, 2024, T-LAB evaluated the company's performance and set its goals for the year.

CEO and The Founder of T-LAB, Timur Veysel Doğruok stated, "Behind the successes we achieved last year, we witnessed the power of teamwork and dedication. In 2024, by determining strategies that will further advance these achievements, we will continue to grow and develop."

One of the main agenda items of the meeting was a detailed analysis of the company's performance in 2023. The achievements, challenges, and lessons learned over the past year were thoroughly examined. As a result of this evaluation, significant decisions were made to highlight the company's strengths and identify areas for improvement.

Upper and Senior Management discussed the future goals and strategies of T-LAB and T-LAB Academy. T-LAB AcademyThe Management Team, considering industry developments and customer expectations, evaluated ways to maintain the company's market leadership and strengthen its role in the field of innovation.

The Management Review Meeting was considered a critical step in enhancing effective communication within the company and aligning with T-LABmission to strengthen its leadership in Regenerative Medicine.