
T-LAB Once Again Captured All The Attention at IMCAS Paris Congress.

IMCAS Congress T-LAB Presentation

IMCAS Kongresi’nde T-LAB, Bir Kez Daha Dikkatleri Üzerine Çekti

As with every year, T-LAB took its place at this year's IMCAS Congress. At the vibrant T-LAB booth, our Product Specialists engaged in discussions with participants about the latest developments in Regenerative Medicine.

The presentation titled "Advanced Micrograft Technique in the Treatment of Skin Conditions" by T-LAB Academy International Faculty, Ercan Çalışkan, MD, Prof., sponsored by T-LAB, and the presentation titled "SVF and Fat Grafting in Various Gynecological Modalities: Scientific and Clinical Outcomes" by T-LAB Academy Scientific Board Member, Akın Sivaslıoğlu, MD, Prof., received enthusiastic praise

The exclusive company dinner organized by T-LAB provided a delightful gathering for leading figures in Regenerative Medicine.

We extend our gratitude to everyone who attended this IMCAS Congress, the pulse of Dermatology, Aesthetic, and Plastic Surgery.

Looking forward to seeing you next year.